Continental embarking on 35-country fleet roadshow

On 2 May 2023, Continental will drive the first mile of a two-year journey that will bring its portfolio of truck tyres and services to fleet customers throughout Europe. By the time the Continental European Roadshow draws to a close in 2025, it will have covered more than 9,000 miles (around 15,000 kilometres) and visited 35 countries.
The Roadshow’s slogan is Your Business, Our Solutions, and under this banner the specially designed show truck will travel to trade fairs, shows and commercial vehicle events, heading first to Latvia and then on to Poland via Estonia and Lithuania. Continental has not yet announced the dates when the European Roadshow will visit the UK.
LODC principle
What can fleet operators expect when the European Roadshow rolls into town? Enno Straten, head of strategy, analytics and marketing for Continental’s Replacement EMEA Tires business, explains that the roadshow “revolves around our comprehensive tyre management approach, which is rooted in the principle of Lowest Overall Driving Costs, or LODC for short.”
Observing that tyres affect, to a greater or lesser extent, more than half of all fleet operational costs, Straten emphasises that optimum tyre selection, data-driven servicing management and retreading can reduce these outgoings. “And this is what we want to focus on as we spread the word across Europe that: far from just being black and round, tyres hold great cost-saving potential. Our show truck features Continental’s latest products and solutions aimed at sustainability, efficient tyre management and digitalisation.”
Highlighting key issues
Continental has designed its European Roadshow truck to highlight “all the key issues currently affecting the transport and logistics industry.” Optimising costs and reducing carbon emissions to meet ambitious emissions targets are two of the most pressing challenges facing fleet operators throughout Europe, and low-rolling resistance tyres have a significant role to play here. Continental is debuting its Generation 5 tyres with the Conti Hybrid tyre line and aims to introduce the Conti Hybrid HS5 and HD5 in “all common sizes” by the end of this year.
The show truck will also exhibit the recently launched Conti VanContact Ultra. Designed primarily for last-mile deliveries, Continental says this tyre has an “exceptionally sturdy sidewall, ensuring excellent durability.” Further foci include the ContiLifeCycle retreading concept and ContiConnect package of digital solutions.
“We want to give our customers the chance to experience our solutions and services, and to showcase them in the customers’ home countries,” says Straten. “The concept for the roadshow fits neatly with our comprehensive consultancy approach, which extends far beyond simply selling tyres. The initiative is an expression of the customer proximity we practice both on the product development side and in the application of our customised solutions.”