NTDA: Truck tyre technicians are key workers

Earlier we examined the evidence that truck tyre technicians should be considered key workers in “Are truck tyre technicians key workers?” In answer to the question, NTDA chief executive Stefan Hay suggested “those technicians who hold a REACT, LCTT or LRTT licence may wish to present the cards as evidence of their profession. Naturally, schools can confirm the validity of the licence by contacting the NTDA’s Head Office.”
“Furthermore, the essential role played by all of our depot based technicians in ensuring the supply chain remains uninterrupted is undeniable. Vehicle servicing, repair, maintenance and other response services will be required to keep Britain moving during this unprecedented crisis for our Nation. All sectors of our economy rely on transportation. Whether it be the emergency services, teachers requiring their cars to get to work or care workers delivering essential supplies and services.
“Therefore, as the work of all of our people is critical to the COVID-19 response, it is the opinion of the NTDA that the children of our people must be prioritised for education provision. In return, I am sure I can speak for us all, when I say that the UK tyre industry is here to help and I know that many of you are already playing a vital role within your local communities.
“We will continue to monitor the situation and will keep in close communication with you over the days, weeks and months ahead and we also thank you for your support in these difficult times and we wish you, your colleagues, family and friends good health.”