Tyre supply deal just the start of FMX4Ever partnership, says Dunlop

Dunlop has announced its entry into an agreement with the Red Bull sponsored FMX4Ever freestyle motocross team. The tyre maker describes the new deal as an ‘endorsement’ and says the arrangement includes the supply of off-road motorcycle tyres this year. It adds that both Dunlop and FMX4Ever view the endorsement as a “first step in a strategic partnership which they aim to build on towards the future.”

FMX4Ever is said to be the world’s largest international freestyle motocross team. It takes part in over 60 Freestyle Motocross (FMX) events in the course of a year, and amongst the silverware in the team’s trophy cabinets are four FIM IFMXF World Championship titles, three World Records, 11 X-Games medals and a Red Bull X-Fighters Championship title.

“With talented team members coming from New Zealand, South Africa, the US and across Europe, the FMX4Ever team, with its base in Belgium, constantly proves that the word ‘impossible’ is not part of their vocabulary,” commented Andy Marfleet, marketing manager Dunlop Motorcycle EMEA. “I am convinced that Dunlop’s Geomax MX52 and MX71 will suit the riders perfectly to make the next spectacular leap, both literally and figuratively. Many world-class FMX riders choose our MX52 and MX71 as they match the needs of freestyle motocross riders and give them the performance they need.”

The hard terrain Geomax MX71 and intermediate MX52 both feature directional front and rear patterns, and Dunlop says the performance they deliver under braking and acceleration is “exactly what is needed” on ramps and on jump receptions. The MX52 and MX71 duo allow the FMX4EVER team to perform on surfaces that range from hard packed dirt over sand-covered asphalt to steel ramps. The FMX4Ever team will use the Geomax MX52 and MX71 80/100-21 as a front wheel fitment and the MX52 and MX71 110/90-19 at the rear.

“The Dunlop Geomax MX52 and MX71 tyres are an essential part of ensuring we can perform effectively. These tyres with their amazing traction help us to clear the most demanding jumps with speed and grace. We see these tyres as a great step in our partnership to make the next series of record-breaking performances happen,” said Jimmy Verburgh, who is responsible for project management and marketing at FMX4Ever. “Dunlop has a legacy in using cutting-edge technology to support drivers to go above and beyond. I look forward to bringing amazing new performances thanks to this collaboration.”

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