Mike Welch on Michelin takeover, Blackcircles’ growth and expectations

© Jane Barlow 2014 janebarlowphotography Sales growth has been consistent at Blackcircles throughout its history, current focuses for managing director, Mike Welch, include distribution expansion and increasing profitability

With Michelin buying a stake in Allopneus as well as the complete Blackcircles business in the Spring; and with Apollo purchasing Reifen.com in November, it is fair to say we witnessed a trend towards manufacturer investment in online tyre businesses this year. Dig a little deeper and we are beginning to learn more about how tyre manufacturers are approaching this unavoidably important strategic area. With 2015 being something of a landmark year in this respect, Tyres & Accessories met with Blackcircles founder and managing director Mike Welch in Edinburgh to find out more.

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