Licensees for self-inflating tyre sought

The SIT pressure regulator only allows inflation when needed

Czech Republic-based firm CODA Development is seeking licensees within the tyre industry for its patented Self Inflating Tire (SIT). The company says it will “immediately offer licenses to interested parties wanting to integrate SIT into their production lines.”

CODA Development has been granted eight patents for SIT in the USA and in Czech and Slovak Republics since 2009, and patent applications are currently being processed in the EU and a further 12 countries, including Japan, South Korea, India and China. The technology’s developer describes SIT as the “first tyre integrated, fully automatic tyre pressure maintenance system utilising the energy of the wheel to keep the tyre optimally inflated at all times.” The system integrates a peristaltic tube chamber into the tyre wall, and this is said to automatically inflate the tyre to its optimal air pressure when needed. Under-inflated tyres will automatically re-inflate to their optimal operating pressure when a vehicle begins moving; the company says driving for one kilometre will compensate for a typical monthly leakage of two to three per cent.

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