Borbet Group joins ASI

At the start of this year the Borbet Group became a member of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI). The alloy wheel manufacturer shares that its decision to join the ASI as of 1 January 2021 reflects an intention to actively address ecological challenges in the field of sustainable wheel production.
“As a metal processing company, we take our responsibility seriously. With the production of our products, we combine the intention of harmonising high quality with our ecological, social and ethical demands,” states Borbet Group, adding: “Borbet stands for high quality, innovative technologies, reliability and pioneering design worldwide. As a family business and traditional company, we have earned this over many years. Our goal is to achieve the highest level of profitability, productivity, efficiency and sustainability with optimal use of resources at all levels.”
The ASI is a global non-profit standards setting and certification organisation. Its aim is to create greater sustainability and transparency along the entire aluminium value chain for the responsible use of aluminium as a raw material. To this end, ASI has developed a standard that defines every step from bauxite mining to aluminium processing and recycling, and in this context monitors and certifies compliance with ecological and social aspects. The ASI certification includes 11 core points covering governance, environment and social issues.