Tyrepress.com is now broadcasting the most important tyre and wheel business news direct to your smartphone, via WhatsApp.

To activate Tyrepress notifications on any smartphone, send a WhatsApp message with text “NEWS ON” to the number +44 7707 014719.

The service is offered free of charge, and no details will be shared with any third party. Messages sent to the Tyrepress broadcast list will cover the most important events in the tyre industry.

To try this new service, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Ensure WhatsApp is installed on your smartphone.
  2. Add the Tyrepress phone number, +44 7707 014719 to your smartphone’s contact list. It is important to save the number, as Tyrepress will be unable to send messages to your phone without you doing so.
  3. Send Tyrepress a WhatsApp message with the text “NEWS ON”.  A double tick on the message confirms receipt of the request, and the service will become active within 24 hours.

Messages will be sent in broadcast mode, so no subscriber will be able to see the contact details of others. Tyrepress will use these details for the purposes of its services, and will not share them with anyone else.

To deactivate notifications, just send a WhatsApp message with text “NEWS OFF” at any time at +44 7707 014719.

Please note that this number will be used exclusively for the Tyrepress WhatsApp service. Calls and unrelated messages will be ignored. For more information on Tyrepress, Tyres & Accessories magazine, or any of our products, contact info@tyrepress.com.

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