Tyres & Accessories Magazine, April 2020

In this issue:

I Workshop Equipment I

Automotive workshop equipment hit the headlines in early 2020 with the news that MOT tests in Northern Ireland had been suspended following the discovery of serious faults with the Maha DUO+1 scissor lift models supplied to the region – and indeed to the rest of Ireland. The failure of the lift continued to cause disruption in the Irish market
through the first quarter of the year. The news shone a spotlight on the workshop equipment market and its suppliers, which will be the focus of this feature in the April issue of Tyres & Accessories. We will be looking beyond the MOT crisis at the full range of workshop equipment, with the increasing importance of access to new technology
making this one of the industry’s most interesting sectors.

I Raw materials and machinery I

Greater raw material efficiency offers one potential means of bringing costs under control, and the fluctuating nature of some commodity prices give good reason for manufacturers to look at alternatively-sourced materials. With this in mind, in April we paddle upstream and take a look at the equipment and materials used in tyre production, particularly those that provide an alternative to conventional products or offer greater environmental efficiencies.


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