Carlton Forest offers ‘visionary’ new tyre recycling technology

A new pyrolysis-based tyre recycling technology is to help achieve targets set out by the Government Environmental Plan, according to the Carlton Forest Group. Subsidiary Carlton Forest IRR Waste 2 Energy will exclusively supply its continuous pyrolysis technology to businesses, urban regeneration schemes and local authorities across the UK. Established in South Africa in 2006, IRR was acquired by the Carlton Forest Group in 2018.
“Our technology is quite simply game changing and presents new opportunities for the UK to explore how it can responsibly deal with its hard to recycle waste, such as end of life tyres,” said Graham White, group commercial director at Carlton Forest Group. “The technology is environmentally friendly and can integrate with business plans to achieve sustainability targets due to its ability to generate energy, useful by-product consumables and support day to day business operations through heating and chilling applications.”
The continuous loop pyrolysis technology can be installed and commissioned for any business. All that is required is a separate space to house the plant and the technology can be specified to the individual needs in terms of capacity and capabilities.
“Hugely ambitious targets have been set by our Government and we believe it lies, not only with the public sector, but the private sector too to utilise recycling as power generation. It can assist with achieving sustainability goals of their business, minimise the environmental impact wherever possible of their business operations whilst balancing the demands of consumers in the 21st century,” said Graham. “Generating energy whilst using hard to recycle waste materials such as end-of-life tyres in the UK, can only deliver a positive impact and we look forward to an ongoing programme of education across all sectors of the UK including industry, logistics and local authorities.”
This particular system is principally designed to process waste tyres and create further meaningful and valuable products that support a wide range of industries including pyrolysis oil and a carbon char.