HiQ: 47% of centres achieve Gold Standard

Via its Standards Programme, HiQ Tyres and Autocare aims to drive a high level of attention to detail in every aspect of the fast fit and automotive business. In order to verify the standards achieved by its franchisees, the fast-fit network audits all centres and awards top performers accordingly. This year, HiQ has awarded Gold Standards Awards to 47 per cent of its franchise centres throughout the UK.
The audit is made up of 35 points, covering the following five categories: Health and safety, online presence, administrative compliance and overall customer service. To achieve a Gold Standards Award, the centre has to attain a minimum of 92 per cent. Achieving a Gold Award allows HiQ Centres to build a good reputation and gain trust in the local community to ensure the return of loyal customers.
“We understand that spending money on your car can be a distressing situation for a lot of people however we believe that every customer should leave one of our HiQ Centres having had an exceptional experience,” comments Craig Sprigmore, retail director for Goodyear in the UK. “The standards programme is a very important part of what we do and our high standards are something that we pride ourselves in. The in-centre experience is key to retaining loyal customers and spreading a positive word of mouth locally.
“We are very proud of the achievement of our Gold Standard Centres,” Sprigmore continues. “For 2019, we will be raising the bar by introducing a Platinum award – a level up on the Gold Award, so something new for HiQ Centres to strive for.”
*The last sentence was edited for clarity 24/04/2019.