Global Retreading Conference comes to Tire Cologne

One of the latest additions to the Tire Cologne programme is the Global Retreading Conference. According to its organisers, the European retreading association BIPAVER, “the best experts from around the world, the most important technologies, trends and developments and the best cases from all important markets” will be discussed.
What’s certainly true is that this has never happened in this form before. Firstly, it is jointly organised by Koelnmesse and BIPAVER – a combination that couldn’t have happened until this inaugural Tire Cologne event.
As you might imagine, the thematic spectrum of the conference ranges from market reports through best cases to technological innovations and political basic conditions.
Partner associations and renowned specialists from South and North America, Europe, India, China and the Southeast Asian region will be on location in Cologne to present participants with a unique global overview of the theme of retreading.
Talks include: “Metal 3D Printing Technology (SLM) for tyre mould series production” by Ralf Frohwerk, Global Head Business Development at SLM Solutions GmbH, Lübeck, Germany; “The state of the art of modern tyre inspection” by Stefan Dengler, managing director, SDS Systemtechnik GmbH, Calw, Germany; “Automation in the retreading operation” by Coen Heukshorst, sales manager, Retreading and Extrusion Solutions, VMI Holland BV, Epe.
In addition Jean-Pierre Taverne, EU Coordinator End-of-Life Tyres & Circular Economy, ETRMA will be speaking on “Retreading – a virtuous circular economy model”; and Tim Hercock, president RMA and managing director of Vacu-Lug Traction Tyres Ltd here in the UK will be speaking on: “The UK retreading market and strategies to survive as independent TBR retreader”.
Therefore, the Global Retreading Conference is being billed as “a one-time opportunity to take a global look at the decisive trends and developments of the industry”. At the same time, it offers all participants the chance to meet the most important players of the industry at one place – including all kinds of perfect networking opportunities.
Participation in the conference is free. But, because the number of participants is limited, visitors are asked to register as quickly as possible.