Sigmavision’s 3D scanning TreadReader addresses tread depth safety implications

The TreadReader handheld scanner

TyreSafe’s annual industry briefing this month made it clear that illegal tread depth remains a problem in the UK. In its survey of Britain, TyreSafe found that 27.1 per cent of tyres inspected had less than the legal limit, 1.6mm of tread, while another 39.0 per cent were close to the limit (between 1.6 and 2.0mm. Given this context, the presence of a new, technologically advanced tread depth measurement system, present in a handheld device called the TreadReader, and in drive-over products manufactured by Hunter and distributed in the UK by Pro-Align, is significant. Sue Pryce, marketing director of the British firm behind the technology, Sigmavision, provides an additional perspective on the “unsettling” tread depth statistics.

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