Hankook donates to domestic charity

Jae Pyo Lee, vice-president of Hankook Tire’s Business Infrastructure division (l) with Joo-Hyun Kim, secretary general of the Community Chest of Korea at the 30 December event

Hankook Tire has donated KRW 1.05 billion (approximately £600,000) to the “Campaign for Sharing Hope 2014” programme run by South Korean charity Community Chest of Korea. The company participated in a fundraising event held in Seoul on 30 December; Hankook has taken part in this event since 2003.

According to the tyre maker’s Korean website, the donation will be used for basic welfare recipients, the disabled, the socially-disadvantaged elderly, and low-income families. Commenting on Hankook Tire’s recent fundraising participation, CEO Seung Hwa Seo said “this is not a one-time event.  It reflects our continued effort at providing support for the disadvantaged.” He added that “we will work through various channels of social welfare and will continue our culture of care and nurturing.”

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