Radar Tires a ‘carbon neutral’ brand

Omni United reports that its flagship brand, Radar Tires, has been certified as carbon neutral. To achieve carbon neutral status the company worked with UK-headquartered professional services firm Ernst & Young to conduct a twelve-month assessment on Radar Tires’ total greenhouse gas emissions; these were monitored between April 2011 and March 2012. Certification involved an independent assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, coupled with an offset-inclusive emissions reduction programme.

Carbon neutrality was achieved through a combination of internal commitment to driving sustainable business practices, and the support of hydro energy projects throughout China, Omni United shares. “We cannot transform the world alone, but want to be a role model and show that if a small company like ours can invest the time, effort, and resources necessary to make this change, then anyone can,” says G.S. Sareen, president and CEO of Omni United. “This is owed to our children and the generations to come not to continue down the path we have been on.”

Omni United says its global commitment to sustainability is “deeply embedded throughout the company,” and will continue to be integrated into the company’s day-to-day operations around the world. Going forward, the firm intends to continue its green-focused activities in order to generate positive carbon credits. “Adapting this forward-thinking mindset allows us to influence those around us and with this we will continue to urge all to push for this change,” states Sareen. “If consumers start insisting on buying products that are carbon neutral, then we will all have the responsibility to start working in this direction. Our prices will not increase because of this certification – it’s our contribution, however small it may be, to our home, our planet.”

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